LIFESTYLE | Welcome 2015!

The last time I was typing down my 2014 post, I was extremely hyped up about what new things I would do in the coming year. Regardless to say, 2014 had its ups and downs and it has concluded in a non-dramatic way, thankfully. 

Today being the first day of the new year 2015, I have yet again made some simple resolutions. But before I go on about them, let me see if I had managed to accomplish what I had wanted early last year. 

First off, I wasn't as active on my blog as I had wanted to be, but I hope this year will change that. I do like posting here about things I am using and loving, and I hope it helps anyone wanting to know about them, so yeah. That's one resolution that is on loop. Also, I wanted to start a full-time job last year which I couldn't, due to health problems but I hope that by the start of April this year, I will have landed a good job for myself (InshaaAllaah!).

The one thing that I am most happy about doing in 2014 was getting my driver's license. It gave me a sense of freedom and independence that I hadn't known before. Bikes, scooty, cars - they all give me rush. So this year's resolution is to get my own car. Like "my" own car, not just a 'family car'. I have already begun my savings.

What's really picking my thoughts these days is arts. I have been hooked to DIYs recently and I will post about some of them on the blog. 

This year's most important resolution has to be about health. I want to really start eating healthier food, exercise a lot more and most importantly, just be happy!

A very happy new year to everyone!

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